Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Panic Dreams have begun!

Whenever you are anxiously awaiting a big trip or event, it only seems reasonable to start dreaming about all that could possibly go wrong. I mean, we have probably all had those dreams about showing up naked on the first day of school. Well, I have started having dreams about Prague. Last night, for example, I found myself making SEVERAL trips back and forth from the airport on a busy Friday (the day I actually leave) because I forgot my passport first, then my laptop, and then my makeup. Not only that, but I had been taking the bus back and forth and kept getting confused about getting home! So I woke up and started a list again, but this time it is a "make sure to pack..." list. 

On another note, there is a huge electronic festival at the end of may that I am contemplating going to in Prague called "Sensation". I am not one for raves, but as I am beginning to realize, I am going abroad purely to experience different and new things! Seeing as I am not a fan of 'techno' music, it might end up being a waste of money and time to spend 20 minutes being annoyed before leaving. Then again, it might turn out to be really fun to be out with my fellow Praguers doing spontaneous things that are not exactly offered in the states! Who knows, it might give me a new perspective towards these kinds of festivals, or it might reconfirm the perspective I have already developed :) 

I am also very excited to have found out that I am on the same flight as one of my roommates, Adrienne From Seattle to Amsterdam, and am on the same flight with another guy on the trip, Ryan, and Adrienne from Amsterdam to Prague! 

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